'My Morning Cup of....' with Alex Sickling

Alex Sickling is an illustrator and ceramicist based in Newcastle, UK. She graduated from Leeds College of Art in 2012. Alex's work explores the process of image making through ceramic objects, creating both functional and decorative pieces. We had a recent chat with Alex to find out more about her creative process. You can buy Alex's work from us here.
What drink do you have to start the day?
A cup of coffee and a pint of water.
What are your studio essentials?
Music, coffee, and a lot of clay.
What do you listen to whilst you work?
BBC radio 6 mostly.
What has been the most influential advice someone has given you?
Try and say yes to everything, this has been both very good and bad advice at times but I've learnt the most from having said yes to projects and work that has pushed me in directions I wouldn't have gone down otherwise.

What was the last thing you saw that inspired you?
A recent exhibition at the Hepworth gallery in Wakefield put together by JW Andersson, an amazing collection of objects, textiles and ceramics. Which provided some exciting ideas for new ceramic shapes and characters.
What are you looking forward to in 2017?
Visiting Berlin, being outside more and working on some exciting projects!