'My Morning Cup Of...' with Kathryn Matthews

What drink do you have to start the day?
I start the day with a cup of Earl Grey Tea served with a slice of lemon made in my favourite mug by one of our artists Charlotte Miller. The mug is emblazoned with her trademark hipster budgies and just makes me smile. This is usually drunk on the move whilst cooking the kids breakfast and finding school books. Once the children are dropped off, I'll enjoy a second cup in the studio at 9.15 and ponder my paintings.
What are your studio essentials?
My current studio essentials are Galkyd gel, it's great for adding a lovely fluidity to oil paints. Gamsol odourless spirit which is a substitute for turps is also fantastic as It's much healthier to work with as it evaporates less into the air. My studio still smells pretty toxic but at least now that's mostly from the oils.
What do you listen to whilst you work?
I always listen to the radio, and will have a bit of a dance if no-one's watching.
What has been the most influential advice someone has given you?
The best bit of advice I've been given is 'know when to stop' which is often harder than it sounds.
What was the last thing you saw that inspired you?
I've been looking at Oliver Jeffers disaster paintings lately. I think he's a genius and this collection shows off his skill as a painter as well as an illustrator. The work manages to be both tragic and hilarious and he manages to blend an old master style with his synonymous illustrator rockets and aeroplanes.
What are you looking forward to in 2017?
I'm really looking forward to the Vanessa Bell exhibition in Dulwich that has just opened. Ooh, and I wholeheartedly recommend the recently released film 20th Century Women which I saw last night. Next month I'm due to go back to Whitby and take a boat trip. It's gorgeous (and freezing!) up there and I'm really excited to spend some time sketching.